2's Class

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Who is special

Today the kids worked on different subjects.
The children worked on the fine motor
skills,while using colors and faces.

The table was set with sealed 
zip lock bags full with color.
On the bags we drew a face 
the kids followed the lines.

We worked on colors and faces,
 at the same time.

Levi and Akiva use their finger 
to trace the line.

Dalya found a funny face. 

The kids were excited to find 
the faces revealed on the bag.

Akiva enjoyed running the
trains around the track.

Look at me I'm building a tower.

Chana saw a new bottle she 
was happy to fill it with bird seeds.
She made two cakes.

Nissan made a face with
playdough, he added googly eyes.

 That is so cute.

Ido wants to try it too,
He used 3 eyes.

Dalya was our weather reporter today.
She took our weather bottles to the window 
and compared it to what she saw.
After a long look she decided :
It's cloudy today."

Devorah was our cube roller today.
She rolled the cube and the song was:
"The wheel on the bus."

We have got a fun way to 
move with our scarves.

We did the movement on the mat; that was fun.

Today we went to find some pine cones.

We showed the kids what a pine cone looked like.
We asked them to look on the ground
and if they found one put in our basket.

We were amazed with the 
number of pine cones we found!

At circle time the children looked
at blank faces and figured out
what was missing.

Chana said mouth.
Akiva said the eyes were missing,

We moved our hands to a 
rhyme. We could find so many
parts of our body.

Dalya made her arms so big.

Devorah was creeping her hands
up to her chin.

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