2's Class

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving is in the air

Thanksgiving is here!

The children felt the holiday spirit,
as we talked a lot about our

 The children have been working 
on their fine motor skills,
 and sorting colors.
We have had many different activities.

Mayer is sorting pompoms.

Ido is sorting tops.

Chana and Levi are threading beads.

Devorah is threading nicely too.

Dalya made a beautiful necklace. 

Today we also worked on
 our gross motors skills.

The children jumped on both legs,
on one leg, and tried 
many different movements. 

We drew a house on the board.
We asked the children:
After a nice conversation we 
thought that family is living in the house.

We asked the children who
 they want to say thank you to?

Devorah said her family.
Mayer said his house.
Akiva said his house.
Dalya said her mommy.
Chana said her tati.
Levi said his mommy.
Ido said Levi.

The children created
centerpieces for Thanksgiving.

We wish you a very 
happy Thanksgiving.

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