2's Class

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Funny faces

Today we continued to work
on body parts and focused 
on parts of our face.

The table was set with foam pages and different
accessories for eyes. nose and mouth.

The kids used one page for each 
part of the face. We are going to 
create a 3 part book of 
funny faces.

Devorah is gluing the eyes.

Ido tried it, too.

Akiva is gluing the nose. He chose a feather.

The children loved it so much
 they finish the stack of foam pages.

Chana did her best to make 
a funny face.

Akiva saw our  family figures
which were attached to a wood block.
He said:
"They are cute!"

Dalya is trying to match the 
face parts to what she sees
as she looks in the mirror.

We challenged the kids and complete a 
puzzle of one of our friend.
The kids could see the parts of his face
and organize it.
Chana said: "It's Nissan" 

Play time always fun, funny and cute. 

Ido wearing the chef hat made us laugh.

Today we introduce the dice to the kids.
It going to be a new part of our circle.
 Each side has a different song.
The kids will roll it to select the 
movement song for the day.
It was very exciting and the 
kids were enthusiastic to roll it 
and use it. Today we rolled the song
"If you're happy and you know it..."

Today we worked on our body 
parts through songs and activities.
Chana is creeping her hands up to 
her mouth.

We introduced a new activity.
The children sat in rows
and  looked at their partner,
just like looking in a mirror.

We played Simon Says pointing at 
their partner or touching their own
body part. There was a lot 
giggling and laughter.

We also looked at half faces and
found the one to make it complete.

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