2's Class

Monday, November 27, 2017

Invitation to cut

Cutting, cutting, cutting.....

 We are practicing our
cutting skills with scissors. 
It is a process to work with the children
how to use them correctly.

Why do children need to learn to 
fringe/ cut with scissors?

Scissor skills are important 
pre- writing skills because 
they help strengthen hand muscles.

Cutting teaches the children how
to use their two hands together, 
and develops bilateral coordination. 

The children were very excited 
to use the scissors.

Here are some cutting examples, 

Today we noticed the children were 
playing together so nicely 
all in the same center.


Today we also used a new material 
instead of playdough.
We used sand and shaving cream,
it came wet and smushy.

After playing in the play ground 
we had a picnic outside.
It was a beautiful day we 
wanted to enjoy the warm sun.

We enjoyed eating and hearing 
a story.

Thank you Devorah for being 
the fruit family this week.

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