2's Class

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Stamping and pattern

Today the children did stamping
and pattern making.
They had several shapes
to work with and 2 colors, blue and yellow.

Mayer started with the circle.

Nissan used the semi-circle.

Dalya and Devorah created
several patterns.

The children worked on their gross
motor skills and balance
by walking stump
to stump. They wanted
to do it over and over.

We sang "The color song":

I like red, I like red....

The children picked items
from the mystery bag
and matched it to the
color. Friends helped
each other.

The children all practiced
cooking skills. Some worked
as chefs.

Chana took good 
care of her baby.

Levi wanted everyone to 
wear the chef hat.

Thank you to Levi for being 
the fruit family.

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