2's Class

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Drawing with cars

Today we combined two of our favorite things,
cars and drawing.
This result was a beautiful masterpiece and
lots of fun.
This simple play will encourage them to 
make patterns, shapes, and their physical development.

The children liked the idea right away.
Every car has a different color from 
the primary colors.

Our project yesterday  was hanging on the door.
They are sorting tunnels.

The color drop

Ido and Akiva sorting together.

Chana liked it so much.

Nissan and friends were working on 
sorting colors together.

Nissan made a big tower.

Levi succeeded in sorting it too.

Dalya and Chana helping each other
cut our fruit for snack.

This is the way we wash our
 hands before snack.

We kept working on colors at circle.
We point to 2 colors and asked the children
to build a tower from small beads.

Dalya  built a nice tower.

Chana showed her friends what she made.

We were having a great day,
Akiva and Dalya are playing hide and seek
inside the colorful tunnel. 

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