2's Class

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

All about me

Happy Monday!

The children came to school happy
 to see their friends.
It was rainy outside, we made 
a new weather bottle, a rainy weather. 

We used gray pompoms for clouds,
blue beads for rain and water.

Dalya was excited to put a cloud.

Akiva added more clouds.

Mayer added the water.

Chana gently added the blue beads. 


Our creation: rainy weather.

We will continue to use them
  through our days and decide what's the 
weather today. 
Chana took all three to the window today
when she checked the weather.

Today we started working on a new unit.

The table was set with mirrors and 
face parts:
Eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
The kids were looking 
at themselves in the the mirror.

It was interesting to see their reaction.  

At circle we asked the kids
 if they all look the same.
They looked at themselves in the mirror,
and we asked them:
What do you see?

The answers were so different.

Dalya said eyes.

Devorah said nose.

Akiva said eyes.

Mayer said tongue.

Nissan said mouth.

Chana said face 
Levi said myself.

We created a face and talked about the 
color of our eyes.

Devorah added the nose.

Nissan added the mouth.

Mayer and Levi added the hair.

We sang a new song about ourselves
to the tune of Are You Sleeping?
I am special 2x
If you look
you will see
Someone very special 2x
That is me! 2x

Since it was raining we played inside.
Everyone had a great day.

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