2's Class

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Familiar faces

Today the children played with playdough.
They were making faces using buttons and
acorns for eyes and mouths. 

Today the children were challenged 
to match two parts of 
a face together.

They were very interested in 
finding the right match.

Akiva noticed one face had 
blue eyes and the other had brown. 
He knew that was not a match.

We have a new display in our 
sensory table.
It is a house with small figures and 
represents the family environment.

Mayer is playing with Aba and Ima.

Nissan thought a baby is a good
part of a family.

By now we have different corners in our class 
for different subjects we are working on: 
colors, me and my family, fall and weather.
The kids can choose what is interesting to them.  

Here Dalya, Akiva, Nissan and Levi 
are sorting primary colors.
They discussed where to hang each item.

At circle time we discussed me and
my family. 

We learned a new song.
Open, shut them,

The children moved their hands 
to the song.

The end of the song is
Blow a little kiss!

We also read the poem 
"I'm glad to be me"

I look in the mirror and what do 
I see,
I see the me
no one else can be.

I am precious,
I am glad to be me.
My hair, my face,
my personality.

We discussed our family.
How many siblings, boys or girls,
and where I am in the family.

Mayer said sister.
Akiva named all his siblings.
 Nissan gave Mendel's full name.
Chana knew the order of 
her siblings.
Dalya, Levi, and Devorah added
their siblings to the chart.

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