2's Class

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Stamping and pattern

Today the children did stamping
and pattern making.
They had several shapes
to work with and 2 colors, blue and yellow.

Mayer started with the circle.

Nissan used the semi-circle.

Dalya and Devorah created
several patterns.

The children worked on their gross
motor skills and balance
by walking stump
to stump. They wanted
to do it over and over.

We sang "The color song":

I like red, I like red....

The children picked items
from the mystery bag
and matched it to the
color. Friends helped
each other.

The children all practiced
cooking skills. Some worked
as chefs.

Chana took good 
care of her baby.

Levi wanted everyone to 
wear the chef hat.

Thank you to Levi for being 
the fruit family.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Drawing with cars

Today we combined two of our favorite things,
cars and drawing.
This result was a beautiful masterpiece and
lots of fun.
This simple play will encourage them to 
make patterns, shapes, and their physical development.

The children liked the idea right away.
Every car has a different color from 
the primary colors.

Our project yesterday  was hanging on the door.
They are sorting tunnels.

The color drop

Ido and Akiva sorting together.

Chana liked it so much.

Nissan and friends were working on 
sorting colors together.

Nissan made a big tower.

Levi succeeded in sorting it too.

Dalya and Chana helping each other
cut our fruit for snack.

This is the way we wash our
 hands before snack.

We kept working on colors at circle.
We point to 2 colors and asked the children
to build a tower from small beads.

Dalya  built a nice tower.

Chana showed her friends what she made.

We were having a great day,
Akiva and Dalya are playing hide and seek
inside the colorful tunnel. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Work in progress

The children are making a lot of progress
in getting to know the primary colors.

As we learned more about these colors:
Red, blue and yellow
we see more and more objects and things
that where we notice the different colors,
like the sky is blue, the sun is yellow
the truck is blue ....

We started working on a little
 project and we painted the
 cardboard rolls.

Ido was excited with the blue color.

Devorah chose yellow and gently painted
the roll.

Dalya picked the red color and painted 
the whole roll.

Even Mayer helped paint our little project.

What a wonderful way to play with friends.
Akiva, Mayer and Ido put the tracks together.

Akiva is curious checking the ears
of his friends with the auto-scope. 

Nissan and friends are having fun .

Today we decided to do circle outside.
With the wonderful weather our colorful
parachute looked bright. 

Devorah picked an item from the bag 
and matched it to the same color on the parachute. 

Chana matched her yellow item too.

After lunch there is always time for reading.
The library was busy.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Invitation to cut

Cutting, cutting, cutting.....

 We are practicing our
cutting skills with scissors. 
It is a process to work with the children
how to use them correctly.

Why do children need to learn to 
fringe/ cut with scissors?

Scissor skills are important 
pre- writing skills because 
they help strengthen hand muscles.

Cutting teaches the children how
to use their two hands together, 
and develops bilateral coordination. 

The children were very excited 
to use the scissors.

Here are some cutting examples, 

Today we noticed the children were 
playing together so nicely 
all in the same center.


Today we also used a new material 
instead of playdough.
We used sand and shaving cream,
it came wet and smushy.

After playing in the play ground 
we had a picnic outside.
It was a beautiful day we 
wanted to enjoy the warm sun.

We enjoyed eating and hearing 
a story.

Thank you Devorah for being 
the fruit family this week.