2's Class

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Happy Pesach

Pesach is here and we are so exciting
 to celebrate the Seder with family and

We are so proud of the children
 on their Haggadah project.

For the past few weeks the children 
worked to creating their own Haggadah 
for Pesach, They loved working
 on the holiday symbols.

The children are singing Ma Nishtana beautifully.
They know the story of Pesach and songs too.

Mayer, Ido and Devorah built a Pyramid. 

We did a Haggadah provocation and let the children explore.
We can't explained the excitement in class, 
when the children saw the finished Haggadah.

\They saw themselves on the cover and were so happy,
then they shared with friend what they saw:

Mayer: " I see you Morah Osnat."
Chana: " Yah, look here you are."
Devorah : " It's funny."
Nissan: "It's me."

They just loved it!

We wish you happy Pesach vkasher!

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