2's Class

Friday, March 16, 2018

Shabbat Baking

Today the children enjoyed baking
Matzah, in our new oven.

The children were so excited.
They took turns over and over again. 

We set the table for Shabbat.

We also have a new slide Nissan tried
 and wait to see what happens.

Mendel follow too.

In honor of Shabbat the children decorated their Challah bag...

We baked the Challah in different shapes...

Get into Shabbat spirit with our 
Shabbat train moving everywhere.

The children got dressed up for Shabbat,
so cute and amazing every time.

Chana was Ima of Shabbat 
They shuck Mayer hand for
Shabbat Shalom.

Nissan  blessed the wine, Kiddush and
Nissan said the bracha by himself.

Akiva blessed the bread wonderfully.

Shabbat Shalom Chaverim!

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