2's Class

Monday, April 9, 2018

Saying Goodbye To Pesach

After a spring break and Pesach,
we were so happy to welcome the
 children back to school today.

The children were so excited to play with their 
friends! We could tell how much they missed each other and were happy to be back.

 Levi and Chana matched the colors
 to the picture in the book,
and sorted them too.

Dalya loved to cook for the 'chasonah.'

Mendel was car racing...

Devorah missed her baby,
 she got her dressed.

Mayer helped to cut the snack... yummy.

Ido and Mendel played nicely with each other. 

The Yeladim enjoyed creating a track for the balls and then testing it.

 Today we enjoyed hearing and sharing
 about everyone's Pesach.

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