2's Class

Friday, March 23, 2018

Celebrating Shabbat And More

Having Shabbat celebration with 
all our friends in school is our 
favorite fun!

Chana and Hilary were Ima of Shabbat celebration. 

Ido and friends passing the Challah out to everyone.

Today we had a special and new 
activities for the children.

New light table!
So much fun, the children discovered new things.

New wood bricks.

We also congratulated Chana Ima 
for the new baby boy, we made
 a nice card for her and the baby.

Congratulation! Mazal tov! 

Interactive play...
Dalya and Devorah are going to a chasunah.

 We wish Levi Refuah Shlemah,

and Shabbat Shalom, the big Shabbat before Pesach. 

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