2's Class

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Baby Moshe

Yesterday the children learned 
another side of the Pesach story.

Baby Moshe.

We created baby Moshe.

We used water colors and a straw.

We blew with our strew.

Until the paint spread and looked like the Nile.

Then we added baby Moshe.

Today the children learned all 
about Matzah and the Seder plate.

The children matched the 
different symbols on the plate.

We used the names like: 
Maror, bone, Karpas...

The children were excited to share 
what they knew about Matzah.

We discussed about Shape, feel, sound and smell.

On a question of how does it smell:

Akiva said: "terrible".
Dalya said:" yummy".
Nissan said : good".

On the question of  how does it feel:

Chana said: " bumpy".
Levi said: " bumpy".
Mayer: "soft".

On the question of how does it sound:
Devorah said:"crunchy".
Mendel and Ido  agreed too.

They tasted the Matzah and you know....
They all like it.... They even asked for more. 

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