2's Class

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Seder Plate

Let's set the Seder plate.

We learned whats on the Seder plate.
Maror - bitter herbs, karpas - parsley,
 zroah- bone, bitzah- egg,
charoset, hazeret- horse radish.

Today the children used different
 materials to create their Seder plate. 

4 Cups of wine on the Seder table.

The children were noticing there was wine on the table:

Levi: " Its grape juice."
Nissan: " Its purple."
Chana:" Icount the cups." " Its 4 kidush cup."

The children were pouring water 
into cups, practicing pouring
 without spilling.

We also told the story of baby Moshe.

Chana as Ima yocheved put baby Moshe in the Nile.

Devorah as princess Batyah pulling Moshe out from the Nile river.

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