2's Class

Friday, March 9, 2018

Painting Our Pyramid

Pesach is in the air and in every part of our classroom!

The children traced the
 shape of a triangle. 

In the construction area the children
 helped each other to lift the bricks 
forming a Pyramid. 

At snack time ...

Chana cut the strawberries in triangles.

Today Dalya brought a coin,
she wanted to put it in the Tzedakah box.

We found a nice box. 

Ramps and balls in the sensory table.  

The children observed how the
 ball slid down and waited to catch it all while taking turns.
Simply wonderful.

The children had fun 
panting boxes with brown paint to make 
bricks for us to play and build a 3D Pyramid.

We also used mono printing
 with magnitiles on paper.

At circle the children learned
 a new Pesach song:

" One day king Pharaoh woke up in his bed,
There were frogs on his head and frogs on his bed,
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes,
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere!"

The children thought it was funny.
Mayer said: " I love frogs."
Akiva and Nissan: " I don't like frogs." "It's yukky."
Chana said: "Why frogs."

We act like frogs and jumped around.
We made sounds of frogs too. 
We enjoyed it so much!

We started to learned the story of Pesach,
every day we are going to learn a bit
 of the story.

We heard the children mentioning
 that Pharaoh is like Haman,

They were listening carefully 
and payed attention to the details.

They didn't like that we worked so hard.

The children were banging with hammers...

Levi: " It's an airplane."

Mendel tried to catch the ball. 

Nissan and Mayer let the ball 
slide down and then switch the 
balls they had before.

A special thanks to Morah Sarah,
the creator of:
My felt story , Exodus.

The children loved it very much! 

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