2's Class

Friday, March 9, 2018

Shabbat Train Here We Come

It's Friday! Our favorite day of the week!

Nissan : "Look what I made, Bait hamikdash."

Devorah and Dalya are playing hide and seek with Ido.

Then Ido found them and they 
 still hid, just this time with him :)

Ella and Mayer meet ... it is like they 
haven't seen each other in so long... :)

Chana is very proud of her creation:
" It's a house."

All aboard ... Shabbat train is leaving station!

They enjoy it so much.

Levi : "I'm buying corn."

 Mayer is helping to collect the food bought for Shabbat.

Put a chicking in the pot stir it up.....

 Dalya helped light the Shabbat candles.

 Then Dalya went around and said
 Shabbat Shalom to all of our friends.

Levi was our Shabbat Abba and he made the kiddush.

Mayer made the "Motzei".

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