2's Class

Friday, March 23, 2018

Maror Tasting

The children were so excited to see
so much snow outside.
We asked our friends:
What did they do yesterday in the snow?

Everyone said: " a snowman."
We shared with our friends
 how we each built a snowman.
It was fun hearing them telling
 us all about their snow day!

The children kept working on their Pesach project. 

We had a Pyramid provocation with heavy bricks.

The children built Pyramids by themselves.
We wanted the children to feel how
 hard it is to work and work.

Mendel have a very heavy brick...

Then our Pyramid fell down... 
and King Pharaoh were so Angry,
and he made us work so hard... again.

 Today the children had a small
 taste from the Maror on Seder plate.

Mayer was so excited to explore...
He felt it and smell it:
Mayer: " it's heavy, I don't like it."

Then we all tasted it too, we cut a piece... and they said the same:
" It's ugly, I don't like it."
We told the children that's 
how the Jewish people felt.

Today we let the children experience
 filling the 4 cups with snow.
(since we had a lot snow outside) 

And that wasn't easy.

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