2's Class

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mono Painting With Yael

Today we had a very busy day.
We got ready for our Art class with Yael, 
the children loved this lesson its always
 fun and meaningful for us we are
 experiencing with new things.

But before we went to Yael's class we
practice threading and tracing shape line.

Chana and Levi are tracing
 a circle with glass stones.
They were happy to do it: 
"I did it ". 

Akiva and Mayer are threading straw with pipe cleaner.

Nissan started with the threading and said:
"I like it".

Dalya liked the colors of the stones.

Devorah shared her stones with Dalya.

Ido is tracing a different shape ,
a triangle.

The children were practicing
 fine motor skills and follow directions.

Holding hands and walking 
to Art class with Yael...

Levi and Nissan let the ball fall down. 

With a ball... nice work art Mendel.

Mayer and Dalya were laughing so much using a tray.

Chana was getting enthusiastic with the brush.

Akiva loved the pattern with the cookie cutters.

It was sad but... we had to say goodbye to Purim.
We packed our Purim items.

See you next year.

We started to learn about Pessach, Passover,
We asked the children what is our next holiday?

Chana: " Happy Pesach".

We saw the mean king Pharaoh
 and stated to learn the song;
"Mah Nishtanah"

We really loved Purim but can't wait for Pesach.

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