2's Class

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Happy Pesach

Pesach is here and we are so exciting
 to celebrate the Seder with family and

We are so proud of the children
 on their Haggadah project.

For the past few weeks the children 
worked to creating their own Haggadah 
for Pesach, They loved working
 on the holiday symbols.

The children are singing Ma Nishtana beautifully.
They know the story of Pesach and songs too.

Mayer, Ido and Devorah built a Pyramid. 

We did a Haggadah provocation and let the children explore.
We can't explained the excitement in class, 
when the children saw the finished Haggadah.

\They saw themselves on the cover and were so happy,
then they shared with friend what they saw:

Mayer: " I see you Morah Osnat."
Chana: " Yah, look here you are."
Devorah : " It's funny."
Nissan: "It's me."

They just loved it!

We wish you happy Pesach vkasher!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Pesach Cleaning

Pesach is coming closer,
and so the children are finishing 
their project for Pesach.

The children are beading a pipe cleaner
 through holes, creating a Matzah.

The children learned all about chametz,
and they cleaned the classroom to make sure there is no chametz.

we are almost ready for Pesach.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Maror Tasting

The children were so excited to see
so much snow outside.
We asked our friends:
What did they do yesterday in the snow?

Everyone said: " a snowman."
We shared with our friends
 how we each built a snowman.
It was fun hearing them telling
 us all about their snow day!

The children kept working on their Pesach project. 

We had a Pyramid provocation with heavy bricks.

The children built Pyramids by themselves.
We wanted the children to feel how
 hard it is to work and work.

Mendel have a very heavy brick...

Then our Pyramid fell down... 
and King Pharaoh were so Angry,
and he made us work so hard... again.

 Today the children had a small
 taste from the Maror on Seder plate.

Mayer was so excited to explore...
He felt it and smell it:
Mayer: " it's heavy, I don't like it."

Then we all tasted it too, we cut a piece... and they said the same:
" It's ugly, I don't like it."
We told the children that's 
how the Jewish people felt.

Today we let the children experience
 filling the 4 cups with snow.
(since we had a lot snow outside) 

And that wasn't easy.

Celebrating Shabbat And More

Having Shabbat celebration with 
all our friends in school is our 
favorite fun!

Chana and Hilary were Ima of Shabbat celebration. 

Ido and friends passing the Challah out to everyone.

Today we had a special and new 
activities for the children.

New light table!
So much fun, the children discovered new things.

New wood bricks.

We also congratulated Chana Ima 
for the new baby boy, we made
 a nice card for her and the baby.

Congratulation! Mazal tov! 

Interactive play...
Dalya and Devorah are going to a chasunah.

 We wish Levi Refuah Shlemah,

and Shabbat Shalom, the big Shabbat before Pesach. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Seder Plate

Let's set the Seder plate.

We learned whats on the Seder plate.
Maror - bitter herbs, karpas - parsley,
 zroah- bone, bitzah- egg,
charoset, hazeret- horse radish.

Today the children used different
 materials to create their Seder plate. 

4 Cups of wine on the Seder table.

The children were noticing there was wine on the table:

Levi: " Its grape juice."
Nissan: " Its purple."
Chana:" Icount the cups." " Its 4 kidush cup."

The children were pouring water 
into cups, practicing pouring
 without spilling.

We also told the story of baby Moshe.

Chana as Ima yocheved put baby Moshe in the Nile.

Devorah as princess Batyah pulling Moshe out from the Nile river.