The second day of Chanukah we celebrate the
miracle of the sacred lamp that stayed lit
for 8 straight days in the "Bait Hamikdash".
Today we challenged the children to draw
the Menorah with candles or wax, and
painted over it with water colors.
Levi, Akiva and Nissan didn't see anything,
and then they noticed the water color, we
instructed them to paint over their drawing.
Dalya, Chana and Mendel weren't sure what
they were seeing...
Mayer and Devorah drew a nice Menorah.
We are worked on fine motors skills
by threading Chanukah candles.
The table was empty, Ido came he was curious.
After a minute the table was full with
happy children enjoyed threading candles.
At circle we had the chance to talked about
the weather. We let the children find a
word to describe the weather today.
The children were illustrating with their
hands what happens to the trees with
windy weather.
They moved like the trees in the strong wind.
We made a new windy weather bottle.
The children helped add leaves
and pom poms.
We are going to use it more often
as the weather is getting
colder and colder.
Then we lit the second candle of Chanukah,
sang Chanukah songs and spinned dreidels
with friends.
They were very excited....
Great job!