2's Class

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Our class is full of Chanukah symbols.
The children are fascinated with all of the 
dreidels and candles.

We love to thread and this activity is combining 
2 of our favorite things, 
we threaded colorful cereal and candles.

Ido , Devorah and Mayer are concentrating while threading.

Dalya showed her friends, "I did it".

Levi was gentle and did it too.

It was a success and the children loved it.

We worked on fine motor skills, the children
glue colorful pieces of paper and made a 

On our way outside Dalya and a friend spied
a big Menorah!

We read the story of Chanukah and talked 
about Chanukah symbols:
Candles, Menorah, Bait Hamikdash and high priest,
small jug of oil.

The children were so focused!

 We also talked about what we eat on

Doughnuts, Latkes...

We sang a Chanukah song and lit the candles
 on our Menorah, the children was excited
from the light burning bright.

Devorah said: "My Tatty has a big Menorah".

In the playground Devorah helped Mendel 
to walk around.
Being kind to a friend is very important 
in our class.

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