2's Class

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Last Day Of Chanukah

Last day of Chanukah!

The children kept learning about 
this special holiday, enjoying the Chanukah 

The children know how to count
the candles on our Menorah, the 
story of Chanukah, and Chanukah symbols.

Dreidel is their favorite game.

Nissan made a dreidel,
Mendel made a Menorah.

Chana tried to make the same pattern 
as the one in the picture.

Outside in the play ground, the children 
met their friends and were happy to 
play an imaginative game.

Silly with friends.

Chana, Levi and Dalya calling 
Mayer to come out.

Almost the end of Chanukah....

We could feel this holiday in every way.
The most beautiful things are to light the
Menorah, see the light come out
and makes our class so bright....
The children saw the Menorah lit with
8 Candles ... it made a lot of light,
they were fascinated.

They absolutely loved Chanukah!!!

We sang Chanukah songs, we were 
so happy .

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