2's Class

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

First Day of Chanukah

We waited and waited.....
Finally, Chanukah is here tonight HOORAY!!!

We told the children that today is 
the first night of Chanukah and
soon we are going to light the candels 
on our Menorah. The children also learned
Chanukah symbols, and talked about the Chanukah
 story and characters 

Everyone is so excited.

Today the children enjoyed a sensory experience with 
colored sand.

Mayer and Nissan talked about Nissan's
kippa while Mayer drew a dreidel in the sand. 

Levi and Ido are sharing the tray.

The children loved it and tried it 
over and over again.

 Today the children created a "Bait Hamikdash" from hollow blocks.
 We were impressed from their creation.

Akiva placed the Menorah inside 
"Bait Hamikdash".

Chana, Devorah and Mayer build together
the " Biat Hamkdash" , with magnatiles.

Building the "Bait Hamikdash" became
popular in class everyone joined.

The kitchen was busy with our chefs 
Ido, Dalya and Chana making Latkes.
We could smell the yummy Latkes.

Ido and Dalya are playing together.

Akiva helped Dalya take off her 
costume, what a great friend.

Best friends in the playground.

Levi and Mendel got mail...3rd

We lit the first candle of Chanukah with our 
friends in class.

We wish you a HAPPY CHANUKAH!!!!

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