2's Class

Monday, December 11, 2017


What a day!!!!

Its our favorite sight to see the children 
come back to school with a big smiles on their 
faces when meeting their friends after the

The children were panting the form 
of a candle, with yellow and purple 

Dalya, Chana and Nissan enjoyed painting.

On the table we used a new material,
The children were curious. It looks like
 play dough but it doesn't feel like it.
They created a Chanukeyah. 

Mayer and Akiva are having a conversation ,
Akiva is hiding something in the floam. 

Mendel played too and he had a lot of fun.

And soon EVERYONE came to play 
and create with the floam.

Nissan is intrigued when seeing his reflection
 in the mirror.

 Soon Chanukah is here and the children
cant wait to light the candles!

Levi, Chana, Ido and Dalya were sharing 
the Menorah and created different types of
candles. Levi even used dreidels as candles.

At morning circle the children were engaged 
in singing with their friends.

We sang the song:
Row, Row, Row your boat.
We held our friends hands and did the
moves of rowing with partners.

That was fun!

The children were excited to see the snow in the play ground.
They touched and felt it.

 Dalya and Nissan took the snow off 
the slides.

Chana was putting snow balls in her 

The children building a Menorah.

Thank you Nissan for being the
 fruit family this week!

The Menorahs came out so beautiful!!! 
It must have been all the love 
from Daddy that went in that made them so beautiful.
Mendel is checking them out.

A big thanks for Devorah's family for 
donated the wood bases for the Menorah. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you morah osnat and helprs! Ido came back and all day he sang row row row your boat!
