2's Class

Friday, December 15, 2017

Snowy Shabbat

Shabbat Shalom !!!

As every Friday, we get ready for 
Shabbat. It is important to maintain 
a routine for the children with
familiar activities. 

On Fridays we decorate our challahs

 We played with friends.

Ido and Nissan are sharing an activity.

Today we created a special item for 
our class, that combined the snow 
we had today and Chanukah dreidel. 

Mendel added the snow folks.

The children helped to add the
materials. They were so excited!  

We created a Chanukah snow ball.

Having fun with friends.

Dalya was spinning Ido.

Dalya was the Ima of Shabbat, and
lit the candles.

Ido said the brachah on the wine,

Nissan said the brachah on bread,

Shabbat Shalom to everyone.

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