2's Class

Friday, December 22, 2017

Shabbat Before Winter Break

Winter break is on its way,
and today we celebrated Shabbat 
with all our friends in school.

The celebration lets the children
have more fun with their friends
before winter break. 

We had fun decorating our Challah bag 
with stamps.

Nissan is one of our singers, he held 
Devorahs hand and sang with  Ido and Dalya

We loved that very much.

We baked Challah Lichvod Shabbat Kodesh.

The children put in a lot of effort
rolling the dough.

The children played together, 
we could feel they are going to 
miss their friends. 

They played in a pleasant way.

We had our last Shabbat party before
 winter break.
Devorah was the Ima of Shabbat 
and lit the candles, 
Akiva recited the brachah on the wine,
and Mayer said the brachah on the bread.

We are so proud of them that they are doing things by 

Group hug before winter break!

Have a lovely vacation with your families.

See you soon, 
Shabbat Shalom...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Chanukah

Today  we introduced a new activity 
for the children in class.
Now that all of excitement of Chanukah is over,
we want to practice our color sorting skills. 

A small challenge...

Dvorah and Ido matched the rubber bands
to the right color.

Chana thought it was funny.

Nissan thought to wear them on 
his own hand like a bracelet.

Akiva, Nissan, Devorah and Ido 
like to thread beads like a necklace.

We talked about the upcoming 
winter break.

We explained to the children that its a long
 vacation with our families,
and we are not going to meet 
our friends in school.

 The children played nicely with their friends,
they enjoyed it and they are going to miss 
each other them so much.

Today we also had to say goodbye to 

Everyone helped to put away all the different
Chanukah items.

Levi brought a Chanukah book.

Mayer brought a Menorah into the basket.

Dalya brought a big dreidel.

Devorah brought another Chanukah book.

Chana brought the candles.

We all were very sad to say goodbye to 
our lovely Chanukah,
we waved and said :
Bye until next year.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Last Day Of Chanukah

Last day of Chanukah!

The children kept learning about 
this special holiday, enjoying the Chanukah 

The children know how to count
the candles on our Menorah, the 
story of Chanukah, and Chanukah symbols.

Dreidel is their favorite game.

Nissan made a dreidel,
Mendel made a Menorah.

Chana tried to make the same pattern 
as the one in the picture.

Outside in the play ground, the children 
met their friends and were happy to 
play an imaginative game.

Silly with friends.

Chana, Levi and Dalya calling 
Mayer to come out.

Almost the end of Chanukah....

We could feel this holiday in every way.
The most beautiful things are to light the
Menorah, see the light come out
and makes our class so bright....
The children saw the Menorah lit with
8 Candles ... it made a lot of light,
they were fascinated.

They absolutely loved Chanukah!!!

We sang Chanukah songs, we were 
so happy .

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sharing Our Chanukah Experience

It is almost the eighth day of Chanukah!!!
The children enjoyed another activity 
making a Menorah before Chanukah ends. 

We created candles from woodstike
and decorate them.

We used the candles later today for anther

Today we introduce to the children 
The Goo.
We made our own goo with 2 ingredients.

Akiva and Nissan added the ingredients.

Here our new Goo- magical 
and interesting at the same time.

The children loved it.
We stretch it... we roll it... we punch it...
It can be what ever they want.

Ido stretched it wide.

Devorah rolled it and tried to 
keep it in one piece.

Mendel observed until he was ready
to try.

Look at Chana enjoying it very much.

Today David came to visit us for 
the whole day. The children were 
happy to see him and gave him hugs.

David told the story of Chanukah and asked 
his friends some questions like:
What's the name of the mean king?
Where does H'shem live? 

Chana said: "Antiochus."
Everyone answered Bait Hmikdash.

We used our candles to build the
 Menorah, each one on their own 
added a new candle. 

We sang Chanukah songs with David. 

Right after we shared with friends 
our family pictures from Chanukah.
Lighting the Menorah with family.

The children were looking around ,
finding their family picture while 
explaining and naming their family 

They were so excited to share 
it with  their friends.

Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

Thank you Dalya for being our family 
fruit this week.