2's Class

Monday, July 9, 2018

What will melt?

Cutting card stock

 Chana shows a triangle that she cut.

 Cutting with scissors is a very important fine motor skill that the children are getting a hang of!

 Thank you to Hazel for being fruit family this week! The kiwi she brought was an exciting new fruit for us to try!

 Today we did a science experiment. It was interesting and alot of fun! We placed several items into the sections of a muffin pan. Here are the items we used:
A green lego
A cube of butter
An ice cube
A cube of cheese
Three crayons
A few chocolate chips
A rock
A wood chip
A tissue
A penny

We discussed what would happen if we brought this outside to sit in the sun. Would these items change? Or stay the same? The children hypothesized, however weren't really sure how these things could possibly change. Akiva actually suggested that the 'Sun would come down down down, and make the chocolate chips disapear!'

 Riki brought the tray outside. Gosh the sun went in her eyes; the sun was surely shining!
 An hour later, Chana went to retrieve the tray from outside. 
 We looked at the tray. Some things  had surely changed!!
 The crayons were so soft, that Morah Mushka was able to paint with it on her finger!

 The Ice cube had melted to water, and the cheese was super soft. The lego, tissue, wood chip, and penny seemed the same, just a little hotter. 
 The butter had melted. Meyer even said, "It's an egg!" That's how different it looked. 

We felt the rock- it hadn't changed in form, but it sure was very HOT to touch! We all had a turn to feel it.
At lunch we all got a chance to taste the yummy melted chocolate!!!!

It was interesting to see how things changed in form when they became hot from the sun, and also interesting to see that some things stayed exactly the same. We really enjoyed this experiment! 

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