2's Class

Monday, July 30, 2018

Animal Footprints

Today the play dough table was filled with animals and other materials.
The children went right into playing... 
Chana's "tiger and cow are eating playdough from the zoo" 

Ido fed the panda.

The children used their imagination to position the animals around the materials.

Akiva's animals were resting.

Animal footprints...

We took the muddy animals outside to scrub them clean.

Ido helped fill up the bubble pool.

Mendel watches the bubbles as he shakes them off his hands.

Akiva looked for surfaces to stick his toothbrush on.

At circle time we saw a picture of Levi with his new baby sister, Chaya Mushkah.
We sang Siman Tov for the new baby.
Ido told us he has baby Tomer in his house.
Meir said he was a baby once with Ella and now he's bigger.

The children chose their favorite animal and placed it next to their picture.

Thank you Ido for being fruit family this week!

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