2's Class

Friday, July 6, 2018

Shabbat is here!

 I'm so glad that Shabbat is here!

 Lots of social interaction today in our classroom.

 Circle time
 Today we did some role playing about sharing and taking turns with our friendly puppet, Avi! The children were very excited about it and were listening closely to the messages being expressed.

 With rain in the forecast this morning, we decided to stay safe and went to the playground while it was still dry! We got lots of time to play until it started to rain.

 Helping each other...
 Playing ball together!

Once it started raining we went inside for some ball and Frisbee playing as well as dancing! The children had all sorts of great dance moves and really enjoyed it!

 Our favorite- Shabbat party!
 Shabbat Shalom!

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