2's Class

Friday, July 20, 2018

Shabbat Shalom! I will miss you!!

 Chana and Ido build a house for Mr. Potato head.

 Silly kids, trying on Mr. Potato head's glasses!
 Devorah presses her fingers in the dough and looks at the many prints she made.
 We have a HUGE Beit Hamikdash on our classroom wall from all our freinds Mitzvot! When we read Mitzvah notes, we sing about that child's mitzvah and everyone claps thier hands. Its so nice to see how genuinly happy the children are for each other. Above is Levi's face when his Mitzvah note was being read. Not only is it good to to good things, it FEELS good too!!
 Splash that water!


 Shalom Aleichem

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