2's Class

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

We can do Mitzvot!

 Today we crumpled up tissue paper and glued it on a flower. They came out so pretty and colorful! Riki put one tissue paper ball into each section of the flower. How clever! 

 Beading with Large wooden beads. It takes lots of concentration, but its rewarding at the end when we get to wear the necklace until the end of playtime! :)

 Everyone loves being the helper to give out the Torahs and collect them. Today was Akiva's turn.

 Thanks to the parents that sent Mitzvah notes to help us build a 'Bet Hamikdash' in our classroom! (There are more in your child's backpack)
The children are very excited about it! We also write Mitzvah notes at school whenever a child does something special.

 Today Meyer used his words and asked Meir for the truck. Meir said 'in two minutes' and Meyer waited so nicely until it was his turn! ( Yes, that was a tongue twister ;) But it really happened)!)
What beautiful turn taking; We put it on our wall. 
 We discussed some ideas of Mitzvot we can do. Morah put pictures of some ideas to get us thinking. The children really identified with the Mitzvot displayed. They keep coming up to wall and talking about it. 
 Choo Choo! Off to swimming we go!
 The children LOVE this sprinkler! They came inside after swimming soaking!

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