2's Class

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Thirsty Rooster

Today we heard the story of the thirsty rooster who chanced upon a jug of water.  
But the water was too low for him to reach with his beak.
He though and though about what to do, until he came up with an idea.
He would add some rocks inside.
We helped the rooster add stones...

...until the rooster was able to drink!

The children watched the water level rise as we added stones!

More fun from today:
Hazel paints a rainy picture.

Ido and Meir strengthen their fingers using rubber bands.

Dalya rolled out her playdough.

Rikki made a heart shape.

Measuring and pouring at the rice table.

Riva drives the train.

Ido and Mayer play ball together.

"Can i hold the shape with you?" asked Mayer.
"Yes" said Ido.
It is lovely to see friendship and kindness between the children.

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