2's Class

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A big balloon + A lunch picnic!

 Dalya sorts colors
 Akiva creatively finds a different use for the caps. 
 The children matched the numbers 1-4 and practiced fine motor skills by pinching the clothes pins.
 Hazel completed them all and was so proud of her work!
 Levi takes a look at our Bet Hamikdash wall. I hear  him talking about the Mitzvot that will build it.

 Look at these adorable Mr. Potato head creations!
 Hey there, playground!

 Riki is driving to the airport while the others are busy choosing ice cream flavors. 
 Today we did an experiment using baking soda and vinegar. The chemical reaction creates bubbles and automatically blows up the balloon! It was very exciting to see! Before we did it, the children hypothesized. Akiva said, "It will pop." and Chana said, "It will turn white."

 Today we got to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather with a lunch picnic!!!! Look at all these happy faces!

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