2's Class

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Giant Lion

Today we used a projector to project a large lion.

We traced around the edge of it. 

And then all helped to decorate it.

Such great helpers!

Building a zoo:
Ido gave the rhino some water.

Akiva put the giraffes together in a cage.

Everyone had something to contribute.

Chana thought the block was a good spot for some animals.

Puzzle fun: 

Akiva made footprints.

These children are bathing the cow.

At circle time we played a 'feel and guess' game.
Akiva closes his eyes and feels the animal in the bag. He guesses a cow.

This is Levi's thinking face.

Meir loves the tiger.

We had more fun with the projector today.
Akiva placed his giraffe on it...

...and we saw a huge giraffe on the wall!

Mendel placed his horse on it, and we watched the horse walk around.  
All the children waved at the life size horse!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Animal Footprints

Today the play dough table was filled with animals and other materials.
The children went right into playing... 
Chana's "tiger and cow are eating playdough from the zoo" 

Ido fed the panda.

The children used their imagination to position the animals around the materials.

Akiva's animals were resting.

Animal footprints...

We took the muddy animals outside to scrub them clean.

Ido helped fill up the bubble pool.

Mendel watches the bubbles as he shakes them off his hands.

Akiva looked for surfaces to stick his toothbrush on.

At circle time we saw a picture of Levi with his new baby sister, Chaya Mushkah.
We sang Siman Tov for the new baby.
Ido told us he has baby Tomer in his house.
Meir said he was a baby once with Ella and now he's bigger.

The children chose their favorite animal and placed it next to their picture.

Thank you Ido for being fruit family this week!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Bubble Bath and a Thirsty Bird

See what fun we had today:
Levi rolled out 6 pieces of Challah dough.

"one for me and one for my baby," he said as he put them on the tray.

Ido and Akiva build together.

We heard a story about hot animals splashing in water.

Today we went outside holding our friends' hand.

We gave the people a bubble bath for shabbat.

We scrubed them with toothbrushes.

We noticed a bird who looked thirsty.  
Morah Phamela gave the bird a drink.

The children watched.

Getting ready for Shabbat!

Lighting the candles.

Shabbat Shalom!