2's Class

Friday, April 13, 2018

Shabbat With Friends

Shabbat party with friends,
after Pesach and the children 
were happy to follow our 
Shabbat routine.

The children noticed the Shabbat table,
set with candles and kiddish cup.

Ido did the bracha on the bread,
and Nissan did a bracha on the wine.

Then they sang Shabbat song:
"Shalom Alychem"

Everyone was so happy celebrating
 Shabbat together.

Dalya kept counting with threading beads:

We finished decorating our beautiful butterfly's.

We loved how they came out.

We rolled the Challah dough, the children 
had fun and created shapes such as:
Basketball, sneak, flower...

The children missed our Shabbat routine
we had Shabbat songs :

"Hene ma tov umanayim"

Shabbat train moved to the sound of:
"Hashem Malach".

We danced , and danced .... they loved it 
and missed it so much.

Shabbat party our friends "went" to the store
and bought many things in honor of Shabbat.
We made a special meal .

Chana is the Shabbat Ima , she lit the candles
Then she shook her friend hand saying:
"Shabbat Shalom Levi, Shabbat Shalom Mayer...."

Ido was Aba of Shabbat
and picked up the cup.

All our friends did the same.

Levi was Aba of Shabbat too 
and blessed the bread.

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