2's Class

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday Fun Time

Rainy Monday !

During our spring unit we learned 
the symbols of spring.

Blue sky, warm temperatures, growth .... 
The children were confused today
 when we discussed spring.

They all said: " It's not spring it's rainy... look". :)

We started to learned about Caterpillars.
We read a book:
"The very hungry Caterpillar".

Dalya made a big breakfast for the Caterpillar.

Then everyone wanted to help too.

Counting in the sensory table.

Mayer and Akiva showed their favorite car:
Akiva liked the ambulance and Mayer liked the fire truck.

Mendel counting caps.

Mayer and Akiva were our snack helper,
they peel the clemintines gently and with care.

Devorah wanted to make a Caterpillar, 
so we made a new green play dough.

Chana planted a flower in the garden.

Nissan made food for the Caterpillar.

We raced with our cars but being careful.

At circle time we talked about spring and the animals
 who woke up from their hibernation, like the bear...

We also put together the parts of a flower.

Ido and dalya laying like the Caterpillar.:)


We even brushed our teeth.

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