2's Class

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Snapshots From Our Day

We love to play with our friends.

Yesterday the children were
 practicing their motor skills.

We stood on the stamp and used mirrors to 
describe what we are seeing. 
Without noticing the children
 were balancing themselves.

Today we stamped flowers with carton roll,
we created a Dandelion.  

Mayer and Akiva putting the train on the track.
They said:" We are going somewhere".

Dalya and Nissan were preparing Shabbat dinner.

Chana and Mayer planting trees next to the train path.

Devorah and Levi were chatting on the pie they made.

Ido and Dalya were happily dancing to the Hoke Pokey song.

Mendel and friends were shaking and 
dancing to the Alef Bet song.

The children know the first Hebrew letter of their name.

Today the children were very helpful organizing the beds. 

It was a team effort :
Yashar Koach!

They were working together shouting: 
Ready....., set........, go.....

Devorah was directing them where to put her bed.
"Over there!"

 They were instructed by Akiva to put the bed down"
Akiva: " Drop it!"

Thank you Akiva for being
 our fruit family this week.
The watermelon is very sweet
 we enjoyed very much.

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