2's Class

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Life Cycle Of A Caterpiller

It's all started with an egg...

Today the children were making 
their own life cycle of a Caterpillar.

We looked inside our Caterpillar book 
and followed the Caterpillar cycle of life.

Devorah glued the egg on a leaf.
She used a white bean.

Mayer glued the chrysalis stage.
He used a pasta.

Nissan glued the cocoon stage.
He used cotton ball and twigs.
Akiva glued the butterfly stage.
He used a pasta.

We create a Caterpillar from a can.
Since he's the hungry Caterpillar we
fed him fruits. 

The children loved it so much!

Moment of sharing ...

Nissan, Devorah and Ido are trying
 to stretch the table cloth, back on the table.
They helped each other and stretched ....


Dalya came to help!
Good job friends.

Then they were so happy 
playing in the kitchen.

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