2's Class

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Counting With Caterpillar

Today the children were practicing 
counting numbers.

We counted the circles on the caterpillar
 and used stickers.

The children liked the story of:
"The hungry caterpillar"

Early this week we painted a leaf,
and today we printed a colorful 

We used balloons to make his body.

The children were careful not to
blow up the balloon.

Mayer wanted to print more.

So as Devorah and Mendel.

A moment of Sharing...

Nissan and Akiva made their own birthday party.

Mayer built a Dinosaur.

Nissan build " The Bait Hamikdash".

Today we made the story alive, and
the children were using pictures and put 
them on the mat in the right order as in 
the story.

Give the caterpillar  more food.

Being as a cocoon.

waving like a butterfly's.

Today we had visitors from the next door class,
singing to us so nicely.

Ido and Nissan organized the chairs as:
Nissan said:" Davening chairs".

And everyone davaned.

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