2's Class

Friday, February 16, 2018

Shabbat Fun! .

Our Challah bags were Purim inspired.
We decorated our Challah bags with 
Hamantashen and the children chose
 their favorite filling.
{The yarn represent the filling}

Levi and Chana liked chocolate filling.

Mendel and Devorah chose jam.

The children love to create things with the beads,
Chana made a tower and Mayer raced them like a car.

Dalya made a necklace.

Shabbat train in motion ...

Heenay Ma Tov song , sitting with friends, 
and two new books.
We asked the children:
Who is your friend?
Ido said:"Devorah and Mendel".
Dalya said:"Devorah".
Mayer said:"Anna, Ella and Nissan".
Levi said:"Akiva".
Devorah said:"Chana and Ido".
Chana said:" Dalya".
Nissan said:"Mendel but he is my brother, Mayer".
Mendel said:" Book".

Mendel, Chana and Levi reading for friends.

Devorah, Nissan and Dalya are singing :
The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
They were laughing and really enjoyed it!

We saw our little friend the squirrel again... we were so excited.

 Shabbat party... wow our favorite part of the day.

Shabbat shalom chaverim ,
Have a great Shabbat.

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