2's Class

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A New Artist

The children started a new project,
of a new artist by the name Yaacov Agam.

Yaacov Agam is a famous Israeli artist, sculpture,
best known for his contributions
 to optical and kinetic art. 

We started to create our sculpture using his Technic.

The children were very interesting 
in how we mixed the colors.

We stamped with pompom's.

It was fun, and we actually create a
beautiful picture.

Our little friend amaze us every time 
by working together enjoying their projects.

We know it doesnt look  much like a sculpture...

Just wait and see...

The children put a mask on their face,
everyone's wore a  Queen Esther mask. 

The children love movement songs,
 here are some of their enthusiastic moves.

"The wheels on the bus....beep...beep!" 

Thank you Nissan for being 
the fruit family this week.

We loved the choice of fruits.

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