2's Class

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Purim Lets Paint A Mask

Happy Monday !

The children were excited to find new items
 in their class that relay fit to our Purim spirit.
We have new hats, very fancy for our 
little friends. 

Mayer, Chana, Levi and Nissan immediately 
felt like Queen Esther and King Achashverosh.

Our little artist painted today with 
so much energy...a mask.

Lets paint a mask.

We made a new play-dough, it came out soft and blue.

The children created nice palaces.

Ido and Mayer noticed they have same same ...boots.
Our other friends in class mentioned they have boots too:
Chana: " I have red and brown."
Devorah: "I have pink".
Nissan: "I have brown and blue".
Dalya:" I have pink".
Levi: " I have blue".

The children used their skills and began
 to have a conversation with their friends.
 They were interested to hear what their
 friends had to say.

Thank you Chana, and your family for being
 the fruit family this week.
Our friends like bananas very much.

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