2's Class

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Say Hello Like This

Hello Friends.

Mix and match a great game developing
many skills.
The children were glad to match the 
picture cards to the pictures on their board.

They even helped each other!

The children explored a new material in the sensory table today.

 Chana and Levi were talking about their containers,
Levi brought it from the table Chana said:
" It's not from here, please put it back".

Today we heard that Akiva is going to
 visit his cousin Nathanel in Florida.
Last year Nathanel was in our school,
 we thought to send him a nice letter
 say hello from us.

Mayer and Devorah decorated our letter.
We hope he likes it...

Today we introduced the children
 to our new books in our library. 
We have so many interesting subjects to learn about through reading.

We discussed.....

How much we love books?
How we treat the books?
What are we doing when a friend
 has the same book you want?

We focused on these 2 books, different ways
 to say hello to each other .
 In one page the a dog say hello with his tail,
We asked the children do they have a tail to
 say hello ?
They answered: "yes I have a tail". (pointing on their pony tail)
That was so funny....

Then they discovered a new book they like.

Taking turns and helping friends to balance.
Good work!

Invitations were sent for
 our Art gallery, we are so excited!

In the play ground the children drove to New York...

Ido and Levi say hello like we have learned from the new book
with their hands.

Dalya and Devorah were collecting rocks.

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