2's Class

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hamantaschen Aroma

One of the mitzvahs on Purim is giving charity 
to the poor and one in needs.

The children were practicing 
putting tzedaka with golden coins.

Today the children baked Hamantaschen,
we made the dough.
We prepared all ingredients on the table,
the children were excited to make 
Hamantaschen but patient enough to 
wait their own turn to add new 

Then we mixed the ingredients
 in to a soft dough.

 Then we rolled the dough...
we make a circle..
and then we put chocolate filling
we even tasted the sweet filling.... yum.

We wish you could smelled them
 but our class was filled with
 Hamantaschen aroma!

Today it has been wonderful weather outside,
the children were having picnic outside
 with their friends and Queen Esther 
our favorite Character in the Purim story.

That was so much fun.

More from our day...

Nissan and Levi were playing with 
king Achashverosh and said:

" Live in palace".

Ido is putting his baby to sleep... Shhhhh.

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