2's Class

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Purim Characters

Today the children inspired by the story of Purim,
and the beautiful palace we created.
We thought a big palace without a king and queen
 would be very boring...

So we created our own
 Purim characters.

 The children looked and said :" It's funny". 

We also got ready for the Art gallery event,
 which will be in less then two weeks.
 We are so excited to revile our projects...The children
 did a remarkably job and the outcome is phenomenal.

Yesterday started like this...

Creating with Gaudi'.

Today we learned more of the characters
 in the Purim story.

We made a mask for each character and 
played her roll in the story , the children 
helped and enjoyed it very much.

Dalya said: " I love her(Queen Esther)".
Nissan said: "I want Queen Esther".
Levi said: " I like him(Haman)".
Mayer said: " I want this (Queen Vashti)".
and Akiva choose king Achashverosh.

We read the story of Purim but this time
 it was the long version and we know all
 characters in it.

Haman came to king Achshverosh and said:
(Levi to Akiva)
"I dont like the Jewish people !"

Akiva said: " Go away Haman".

(Dalya  to Akiva)
King Achashverosh I'm Mordechai And Haman is mean."

Today it seams like a pizza day because
 the whole table has a pizza for lunch...

The children spotted a squirrel outside on the fence 
eating a bagel, it was so interesting and funny
 at the same time.

 Thank you Dalya for being the fruit family for this week

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