2's Class

Friday, February 2, 2018

Heenay Ma Tov Shabbat

Shabbat Ha Malkkah!

Our favorite day of the week is Friday,
we like to get ready in honor of Shabbat.

On Friday the children get invitation
to socialize more with their friends,
create fun games in a group.

Our friends are playing nicely together ,
trying to put the pieces into a big picture.

Trying to match the cards onto the correct picture.

We asked the children what do you need
to set the table for Shabbat,
and we used a nice puzzle for it.

Each one had to add a piece to  the pazzle
Kiddush cup, wine, Challah...

Chana got creative :
We had Challah and Challah cover parts,
so she decided to put the Challah cover
on the Challah part.
Good idea.

Glimpse from our Shabbat party.

Going shopping and picked products for Shabbat.

Chana was Ima of Shabbat.

Levi was Aba of Shabbat.

Mendel blessed the bread.

We sang a new song:
"Heenay Ma Tov Oo Mah Naim".

That goes without saying we love to
dress up in honor of Shabbat.

The children wishes you
Shabbat Shalom 
"Heenay Ma Tov Oo Manaim,

Shevet Achim Gam Yachad".

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