2's Class

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Making Graggers

Havah Nareeshah Rash Rash Rash 

The children used their fine motor skills 
to make a gragger for Purim.

We set the table with Popsicle sticks, paint, lentils
and plastic egg shell.

The children filled 2 half's of the
egg shell with lentils, and glued it
 together with the popsicle sticks.

After it dried we dip it in a cup full
 of multicolored paint...

The children enjoyed the process of 
making graggers .

Our graggers are not ready yet but....
we loved how they came out.
Stunning is the right word to describe them.

Yesterday the children painted coffee paper filters 
and water colors for part of our graggers. 

Now we just need to put them together.

Nissan and Mendel building a tower.

Fun time drawing.

Chana: "A brick hat".

Mayer: "Queen Esther palace".

 Akiva: "Mean Haman".

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