2's Class

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Purim Story In The Theater


A week ago the children created 
many things related to the Purim Holiday.

One of the children's project was 
making and create our own theater,
with the Purim characters and a
 fancy palace. 

A week ago they created all 
characters in Purim story, now 
we needed to create the scene like 
a palace.

We used a brown paper bag, some
palace pictures and glue.

Nissan glued one side with one picture of the palace.

And the other side with a different 
picture of a palace.

 We decorated it with dot art.

We created a pocket for our
 characters to put inside.

Chana made sure the palace picture
was glued well to the bag.

And there you go .... 
A perfect palace . 

Levi and Chana are discussing :
How much golden coins do they
 have to give to Tzedakah?

These are our graggers we made earlier this week,
its a clown gragger.

We wrapped our Hamantaschens.


Don't forget to make noise with your graggers.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Hamantaschen Aroma

One of the mitzvahs on Purim is giving charity 
to the poor and one in needs.

The children were practicing 
putting tzedaka with golden coins.

Today the children baked Hamantaschen,
we made the dough.
We prepared all ingredients on the table,
the children were excited to make 
Hamantaschen but patient enough to 
wait their own turn to add new 

Then we mixed the ingredients
 in to a soft dough.

 Then we rolled the dough...
we make a circle..
and then we put chocolate filling
we even tasted the sweet filling.... yum.

We wish you could smelled them
 but our class was filled with
 Hamantaschen aroma!

Today it has been wonderful weather outside,
the children were having picnic outside
 with their friends and Queen Esther 
our favorite Character in the Purim story.

That was so much fun.

More from our day...

Nissan and Levi were playing with 
king Achashverosh and said:

" Live in palace".

Ido is putting his baby to sleep... Shhhhh.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Triangular Hamantaschen

Today the children learned of Haman hat.
We saw that Haman has a hat, 
with a triangular shape. 
The children reviewed the shapes:
Circle, Triangle and square.

The children were matching the right 
color to the matching shape, with stickers.

In the spirit of Purim we had 
clowns to decorate.

Akiva: " I'm done".

Practicing triangle shapes on a tray with sand.

In our sensory table, there is a treasure chest filled with golden coins for the poor .

Dalya: " I found one".

Levi: "I got a lot". 

Levi made Hamantaschen.

Eating Hamantaschen in the kitchen.

The children felt like reading with friends.

We learned Purim song:
Hag Purim

In the song there is a line with a shaker:
Havah Nresha Braashanim...

 We made two big shakersto our class ,

The children helped to created them at circle time. 

We read the Purim story

King Achashverosh found Ester:
"Be my queen".


Mordechai said to Esther:
"Don't say you are Jewish".

The children were excited to make 
a noise when we said the name
 of Haman.

Thank you Akiva for being
 our fruit family this week