2's Class

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Yes It's Winter!


The children started to see some 
weather changes, so we are 
learning about accessories that can 
help our body stay warm.

Mittens everywhere...

 In our sensory table.

Levi hung them on a clothesline and 
said:" They are upside-down."

Ido is looking for the small mittens to put on the

Devorah used scissors to make 

Akiva working on his matching skills.

Dalya liked to stretch the elastic rubber 
bands, she succeeded and said:
"Look what I made".

 Nice example of the children
nicely working together.

Making Pasta necklaces.

The children noticed the new 
books in our library and were 
happy to open them and peek 

Today we talked with the children
about winter seasons.
 What is winter? Why it is cold?
What can we do to keep our body warm?

 We learned a new song:

Winter, Spring,Summer, Fall
 ( To the tune of " this old man")

Winter, Spring,
Summer, Fall
There are seasons,
four in all.
Weather changes,
Sun and rain and snow,
Leaves fall down
and flowers grow.
Winter, Spring,
Summer, Fall
There are seasons,
four in all.
Look outside
and you will see
Just what season
it will be!

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